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近年来以第一/通讯发表与参考框架、精密定位相关的文章: 1) 参考框架基准建立维持: 1. hu wang, yingying ren, yangfei hou, jiexian wang, yize zhang, yingyan cheng, etc. the refinement of reprocessed gnss three-decade displacement trajectory model with spectral analysis and hypothesis test[j]. advances in space research, 2022. j.asr.2022.06.041. (sci) 2. hu wang, yingying ren, ahao wang, jiexian wang, yingyan cheng, etc. two-decade gnss observation processing and analysis with the new igs repro3 criteria: implications for the refinement of velocity field and deformation field in continental china [j]. remote sensing, 2022, 14(15), 3719. 10.3390 /rs14153719. (sci) 3. yingying ren, hu wang*, lizhen lian, jiexian wang, yingyan cheng, etc. a method based on mtls and ilsp for gnss coordinate time series analysis with missing data[j]. advances in space research, 2021, 68(9):3546-3561. doi: 10.1016/j.asr.2021.06.037. (sci) 4. 王虎,李建成,党亚民,成英燕,王解先,杨强,许长辉,张守建. ppp网解upd模糊度固定技术监测尼泊尔ms8.1级地震对中国珠峰地区及周边地震同震位移[j]. 测绘学报, 2016, 45(s2):147-155.doi: 10. 11947 /j. agcs.2016.f036. (ei) 5. 王虎,党亚民,侯阳飞,秘金钟,王解先,白贵霞,成英燕,张守建. ppp网解upd模糊度固定的无基站差分大型cors站整网快速精密解算[j], 测绘学报, 2020, 49(3):278-291.doi: 10.11947/j.agcs.2020.20190326. (ei) 6. 任营营,王虎*,王解先,连丽珍,朱卫东,王永哲,张守建. 基于k-means 的省内子块体划分及中国大陆水平相对运动速度场模型的建立与分析[j]. 地球物理学报, 2020,63(7):2516-2533. doi: 10.6038/cjg2020 n0401. (scie) 7. 任营营,王解先,王虎,连丽珍,侯阳飞,王永哲. 基于局部无缝delaunay三角网反距离加权法构建中国大陆速度场[j], 武汉大学学报信息科学版, 2021, 46(7):1071-1080. doi: 10.13203/j.whugis20190175. (ei) 8. 王虎,任营营,连丽珍,王解先,成英燕,王永哲. 大规模gnss网数据处理一体化方案与中国大陆水平格网速度场模型构建研究[j]. 大地测量与地球动力学, 2020, 40(9):881-887. 9. yingying ren, hu wang*, jiexian wang. a refined global gnss velocity field modeling station seismic deformation based on constrained nonlinear optimization. the international association of geodesy: iga 2021, bei jing. 10. 任营营,王虎*,王解先,成英燕. 基于新一代北斗3技术构建的全球地球参考框架(ctrf2020)初步实现与评估[j]. 2022年北斗导航年会. (ei) 2) 北斗/gnss导航定位及地学应用: 11. hu wang, yangfei hou, yamin dang, jinzhong bei, yize zhang, jiexian wang, yingyan cheng, shouzhou gu. long-term time-varying characteristics of upd products generated by a global and regional network and their interoperable application in ppp[j]. advances in space research, 2021, 67(2):883-901. doi: 10.1016/j.asr. 2020.10.005. (sci) 12. yangfei hou, hu wang*, jiexian wang, hongyang ma, yingying ren, yuqing liu. bds-3 new signals observable-specific phase biases estimation and ppp ambiguity resolution[j]. advances in space research, 2022, . (sci) 13. yize zhang, hu wang*, junping chen, ahao wang, etc. calibration and impact of beidou satellite-dependent timing group delay bias[j]. remote sensing, 2020, 12(1):1-192. doi: 10.3390/rs12010192. (sci) 14. hu wang, pengyuan li, jiexian wang, hongyang ma, yangfei hou, and yingying ren. analysis of bds-3 real-time satellite clock offset estimated in global and asia-pacific and the corresponding ppp performances. remote sensing, 2022,14(24): 6206. 10.3390 /rs14246206. (sci) 15. hou yangfei, hu wang*, jiexian wang, hongyang ma, yingying ren, pengyuan li, and yafeng wang. studies and analysis of combining bds-3/gnss ultra-rapid orbit products from different igs analysis centers. remote sensing,2022,14(23),6122. . (sci) 16. yafeng wang, hu wang*, yamin dang, hongyang ma, changhui xu, qiang yang, yingying ren, and shushan fang. bds and galileo: global ionosphere modeling and the comparison to gps and glonass. remote sensing, 2022, 14(15),5479. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs14215479. (sci) 17. liu wenxuan, hu wang*, hongyang ma, yingyan cheng, pengyuan li, bo li, and yingying ren. analysis of regional satellite clock bias characteristics based on beidou system. remote sensing, 2022, 14(23), 6047. . (sci) 18. hu wang. global characteristics of the second-order ionospheric delay error using inversion of electron density profiles from cosmic occultation data. science china physics, mechanics & astronomy, 2014, 57:1-10. doi:10.1007 /s11433-013 -5376-y. (sci) |