1. comparison and transferability of thermal, temporal and phenological-based in-season predictions of above-ground biomass in wheat crops from proximal crop reflectance data. remote sensing of environment, 2022, 273, 112967. (sci/q1/top,第一/通讯作者) 2. should phenological information be applied to predict agronomic traits across growth stages of winter wheat? cropjournal, 2022, 10: 1346-1352. (sci/q1/top,通讯作者) 3. a comprehensive yield evaluation indicator based on an improved fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method and hyperspectral data. field crops research, 2021, 270:108204. (sci/q1/top,通讯作者) 4. a hierarchical interannual wheat yield and grain protein prediction model using spectral vegetative indices and meteorological data. field crops research, 2020, 248: 107711. (sci/q1/top,第一作者) 5. parameter sensitivity analysis of the aquacrop model based on extended fourier amplitude sensitivity under different agro-meteorological conditions and application. field crops research, 2018, 226: 1-15. (sci/q1/top,通讯作者) 6. estimating wheat yield and quality by coupling the dssat-ceres model and proximal remote sensing, european journal of agronomy, 2015: 53-62. (sci/q1/top,第一作者) 7. editorial for the special issue “estimation of crop phenotyping traits using unmanned ground vehicle and unmanned aerial vehicle imagery”. remote sensing. 2020, 12(6), 940. (sci/q2,通讯作者) 8. prediction of wheat grain protein by coupling multisource remote sensing imagery and ecmwf data, remote sensing, 2020, 12:1349. (sci/q2,通讯作者) 9. a modified critical nitrogen dilution curve for winter wheat to diagnose nitrogen status under different nitrogen and irrigation rates, frontiers in plant science, 2020, 11:549636. (sci/q2/top,通讯作者) 10. narrowing yield gaps and enhancing nitrogen utilization for summer maize by combining the effects of varying nitrogen fertilizer input and planting density in dssat simulations. frontiers in plant science, 2020, 11:560466. (sci/q2/top,共同第一作者) 11. an entirely new approach based on remote-sensing data to calculate the nitrogen nutrition index of winter wheat. journal of integrative agriculture, 2020, 19(0): 2–18. (sci/q2/top,通讯作者) 12. multi-luts method for canopy nitrogen density estimation in winter wheat by field and uav hyperspectral. computers and electronics in agriculture, 2019, 162: 174-182. (sci/q2,第一作者) 13. global sensitivity analysis of wheat grain yield and quality and the related process variables from the dssat-ceres model based on the extended fourier amplitude sensitivity test method. journal of integrative agriculture, 18(7): 1547-1561. (sci/q2,第一作者) 14. estimating genetic parameters of dssat-ceres model with the glue method for winter wheat production, computers and electronics in agriculture, 2018, 154(0):213-221. (sci/q2,第一作者) 15. remote sensing of leaf and canopy nitrogen status in winter wheat (triticum aestivum l.) based on n-prosail model. remote sensing, 2018, 10(9): 1463. (sci/q2,第一作者) 16. assimilation of two variables derived from hyperspectral data into the dssat-ceres model for grain yield and quality estimation, remote sensing, 2015,12400-12418 (sci/q2,第一作者) |