论文 | 1)guo, z. , hu, d. , zhang, z. , zhang, p. , & zhang, x. . (2017). material metabolism and lifecycle ghg emissions of urban road system. journal of cleaner production, 165, 243-253.(中科院一区top期刊,影响因子6.395) 2)guo, z. , shi, h. , zhang, p. , chi, y. , & feng, a. . (2017). material metabolism and lifecycle impact assessment towards sustainable resource management: a case study of the highway infrastructural system in shandong peninsula, china. journal of cleaner production, 153, 195-208.(中科院一区top期刊,影响因子6.395) 3) guo, z. , hu, d. , zhang, f. , huang, g. , & xiao, q. . (2014). an integrated material metabolism model for stocks of urban road system in beijing, china. science of the total environment, 470-471, 883-894. (中科院二区top期刊,影响因子5.589) |
专利 | 1)授权发明专利:树干co2通量测量装置及其测量方法, 2015.2.4, 中国, 201510055954.7 (第一发明人) 2)授权发明专利:潮间带湿地co2通量测量装置及其测量方法, 2015.2.4, 中国, 201510056645.1 (第二发明人) 3)授权发明专利:一种水母伤人风险的估算方法, 2017.12.19, 中国, 201510289474.7 (第三发明人) |